Hello darlings! Last week’s ‘The Time I Almost…’ with City Lit at The Star Of Kings was an absolute hoot! I really cried with laughter as did the rest of the audience upon hearing some of the stories. My favourite moment was hearing two lovely chaps read out other people’s stories- other women’s stories in fact. Something just clicked and it worked really well so I will be adding that to the format for next time.

WHAAAAAT? Did you say ‘next time’?

Yup, indeed I did and I will be putting some dates up next week fingers crossed.

I can’t wait to see you all again and some lovely new faces at the next shows. The sky’s the limit!

Anyhoo, until then, please enjoy this little live montage courtesy of Paul Cornwell at Ginger Werewolf. Paul has many ‘times he almost’ stories and I shall totally bully him into telling them to you at a show in the near future!

Alexis xxx