My name is Alexis Strum and this is my first ever Blog post! Ok, maybe not quite my first because I used to write a blog called, ‘Strumblog’ back in the day when I was an Almost Popstar, but more of that later…

I am sooooo blogging. This is happening. I am not vlogging…not yet anyways, mainly because I have a huge spot on my forehead and I am rubbish at selfies (don’t even ask me what an Instagram is, babes), but I am finally ripping off the metaphorical ‘band aid’ and DOING IT!

Reason being, I’ve written a book, all about my hilarious catalogue of disasters/near misses and I can’t wait for you all to read it…just gotta get it published first, but that WILL happen. As ole Kevin Costner once said, ‘build it and they will come’ and so I am and they will.

Catch you later,

Alexis x